Photograph courtesy of:  Les Duffin (Linkou 1962-63 and 1964-66; Tainan AB 1971-73; TAS 1975-76; USTDC 1976-78)

I just learned of your site and thought you might like to have this photo of Taipei Air Station.  It was taken sometime in 1975, after the new buildings went up, and about a year before the facility was closed and the buildings were turned over to the Taiwan military.  The station boundary is outlined in red.  The new gate is to the left, where the break in the red outline appears. 

John Hurst has sent in a mark-up copy of this photograph with Building ID’s.  Is he correct?  Let me know and I will put up your remarks also.  Jump to Marked Up photograph

Can anyone overload this picture on top of the Google Earth shot of Taipei Air Station?     If so, send it in and I will put it directly under this photograph for all to see.   I can’t seem to locate Roosevelt Road—do you find it?

Please, someone familiar with this “New Taipei Air Station” will you overlay the location of the buildings identifying them with names.  It will help many of us place the old TAS from this new TAS. 

Where is the Command Center—I can’t see the mountains….  I’m lost…. (John Hurst points to it’s direction)





TAIPEI AIR STATION—CIRCA—1975—Quite a change from the back water military outpost many of us knew.  The old Club 13 is gone, the tropical covered walk ways have been destroyed.  It’s like part of our history has been torn and removed from our memories—    But, you can always return to the previous page and remember Taipei Air Station as it once way, quiet, slow, warm and wonderful, a duty station that will always remain in our hearts…   God Bless Taiwan and her citizens.