David McComb Remembers….
REMEMBRANCES OF TAIPEI AIR STATION I was right out of tech school in 1966, when assigned to 2165 Communications Squadron, (later Group) at Taipei Air Station.
Photo of Radio Complex Area, Taipei Air Station (All photos courtesy of Davis McComb) I worked in ground radio operations, getting to give a lot of lonely guys those brief, occasional calls home on MARS. |
Photo—MARS Radio desk at Taipei Air Station Airman Smith pulling duty when this photo taken. |
Photo—Taipei Air Station Barracks There were two types of GIs: those that talked incessantly of being back in "the world," and those who let that wonderful culture surround them. I made an initial commitment that I would never refuse to eat something once. I think the only thing I couldn't take was beef fat! |
Photo—Green Lake, located south of Taipei Air Station Sam Brough, who had been there when I arrived had already started to learn the language. His example
Photo—Movie Theater a short distance outside the Taipei Air Station gate. I became close with a family Sam introduced me to and before my second tour finished (Taipei 66-68, 'Nam 68-69, then Taipei 69-70) the matriarch "adopted me," giving me a gold ring. |
Christmas in the Taipei Air Station Barracks Night view of “main street” on Taipei Air Station taken from the outside Barracks stairway looking toward the NCO club I always said I'd love to return to Taiwan, but 38 years on with family responsibilities -- it's clear it will never come to pass. Nevertheless, it was a life changing experience. |